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RAC General Meeting | 3 June 2024

12:30 PM, Sunday 3 June
The Pavilion, Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture

15 Blackall St., Barton

The racism behind the policies

Where it comes from

This general meeting will begin with a discussion of the origins of racism. It has been widely pointed out that were refugees coming to Australia and elsewhere European, the cruel policies pioneered in Australia and now being copied elsewhere would not exist. The very different treatment offered by some countries to refugees from Ukraine compared to those from the Middle East and Africa is an example.

But is this simply a part of the human condition? An introduction by John Minns will suggest not and will look at the historical origins of racism.

There will also be a discussion of future plans, including our response to the latest legislation Labor has introduced (see below) and suggestions for the campaign in the coming months.


  • Racism behind the policies – where did it come from?
  • Report back on Stop Labor’s Deportation Bill public meeting
  • Political update
  • Marking July 19 – 11 year anniversary
  • Refugee Week schools’ project
  • Other business.

The meeting will be followed by a light lunch of winter-warming soups.
All are welcome.