
Video: Refugee Rights Overboard: 20 Years on from the Tampa

Refugee Rights Overboard: 20 years on from the Tampa
Online Public Forum

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In 2001, John Howard’s brutal determination to scapegoat and demonise people seeking asylum gave rise to two decades of Australian government and opposition parties competing in their cruelty towards refugees and whipping up fear and hate.

Howard’s ‘Tampa election’ laid the basis for 20 years of cruelty – 20 years of suffering for people who simply sought safety and protection in Australia; 20 years of shame for all Australians.

Watch the Canberra Refugee Action Campaign’s virtual public forum which brings together a panel of speakers to reflect on the events of 2001, the terrible consequences, and the alternatives that have always been available.

Nyadol Nyuon: Lawyer and human rights advocate;
Julian Burnside: Barrister, human rights and refugee advocate, author;
John Minns: Emeritus professor, Refugee Action Campaign member.